As a pioneering innovator in the telematics and fleet data management space, GoMetro has become an SMMT member.
With its proven legacy of supporting innovation and advancing technology through the UK’s automotive industry, GoMetro’s decision to join the SMMT aligns to the objectives of a batter, smarter, more efficient transportation landscape.
Partnerships are valuable. GoMetro believes influential associations can help accelerate product innovation and broaden understanding in the telematics and fleet data markets.
Cargo fleet managers, automotive technologists and transport engineers work in an increasingly demanding digital environment. Sensors, software integration and digitisation have become the driving technologies for cargo and public transport fleets. With the SMMT being an advocate around futurism in transport and logistics, GoMetro believes in the potential of its membership.
The SMMT and a legacy of innovation
Founded in 1902, the SMMT (Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders), is an influential trade association promoting the UK automotive industry. From registration data to advising the UK government on vehicle emissions policy and the EV transition, the SMMT represents a deep and diverse collection of industry specialists and suppliers.
The SMMT also provides networking and advisory services, enriching its members with deep insights and understanding of emerging technologies, especially regarding EVs. With its expertise in fleet data telematics and helping public transport fleets optimise operations, especially when integrating EVs, GoMetro feels a sense of mission with its SMMT association.
Companies and government entities required to decarbonise traditionally carbon-heavy assets, can leverage GoMetro’s expertise in developing and deploying powerful data management for EV trucks and buses.
Empowering EV fleets
Fleet owners and managers daunted by the challenge of electrification can power superior decisions by leveraging their telematics data with GoMetro’s skills and software. EV-FIT (Electric Vehicle Feasibility, Implementation, and Transformation), is GoMetro’s turnkey EV transition and integration solution.
EV-FIT creates the best transition for your fleet. How? By building on your telematics data. Whether you’re running last-mile delivery vans, severe-duty concrete and construction trucks, highway haulage or coach busses, each fleet has unique operational and customer demands. GoMetro’s EV-FIT empowers every decision you must make regarding an EV fleet (finance, incentives, hardware, charging), by unlocking unique insights from your telematics data.
There’s a lot of opportunity and confusion in the EV space. GoMetro’s EV-FIT is the adaptive and intelligent partnership solution you need to plan, configure and operate an EV fleet with clarity and focus.
Reducing downtime
With UK bus and truck operators now required to achieve UN ECE R-141 compliance by integrating mandatory Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS), GoMetro’s SMMT membership is about providing solutions. Our ConnecTyre system is an integrated response to the need for accurate, robust, affordable TPMS.
Easy to fit, with seamless configuration and integration, GoMetro’s ConnecTyre brings TPMS capability to fleets as a seamless aftermarket upgrade.
Tyre issues account for a significant amount of unscheduled truck and bus downtime. However, with ConnecTyre on the rim and in the cab, drivers and fleet management technicians get an early warning alert if there’s a developing tyre issue. ConnecTyre’s connectivity means rapid responses, preventing slow punctures from becoming blowouts.
Opportunities with the RHA
Inspired to deploy ConnecTyre as broadly as possible, bringing the affordability and safety of a real-time TPMS solution to more fleets, GoMetro has also become a Road Haulage Association (RHA) member.
ConnecTyre’s offering delivers the regulatory hardware needed for UN ECE R-141 compliance, with the promise of additional benefits in cost containment. Fleet owners know that tyres are a cost that influences budgets beyond fitting replacements in the maintenance bay. Detailed tyre pressure awareness and management can reduce diesel budgets, too, by enhancing rolling efficiency.
GoMetro’s RHA membership unlocks exciting opportunities to trial ConnecTyre across the UK, with fleets looking to enhance their safety and operational efficiency. The learnings from these real-world testing partnerships are invaluable for GoMetro’s engineers and product specialists in evolving ConnecTyre.
Establishing partnerships and developing networks through the SMMT and RHA empowers GoMetro engineers and product managers to understand customer requirements and create solutions that respond to needs.